Board of Directors
David Borden
David Borden is founder and Executive Director of the Drug Reform Coordination Network.Borden played the leading role in pioneering use of the Internet for education and organizing in drug policy reform after founding DRCNet in late 1993. Since 2000 he has overseen DRCNet’s work on the Higher Education Act Reform Campaign, an effort to repeal a federal law that denies students financial aid because of drug convictions. He has initiated programs including the John W. Perry Fund scholarship program and the Out from the Shadows international conference series.
Marisa Garcia
Marisa Garcia began working in drug policy reform in 2000 after being denied financial aid under the Higher Education Act Drug Provision due to a minor marijuana offense. Shortly after being denied aid she came into contact and became active with Students for Sensible Drug Policy.
She formed an SSDP chapter on her campus and began working with the national office telling her story to reporters from all over the country. She has appeared in numerous venues including The New York Times, US News & World Report, The Rolling Stone, CNN and FOX.
Meagan Heller
Meagan Heller is an experienced development professional who has spent over 15 years working to improve the lives of individuals, communities, and organizations through the nonprofit sector. Possessing a strong passion for causes that address America’s inequalities, she uses fundraising as a platform to raise awareness. Meagan is currently running a $34 million capital campaign at Ruth Eckerd Hall, a performing arts center in Clearwater, FL.
Fritz Mulhauser
Fritz Mulhauser is an attorney in Washington, D.C. In twenty years with the American Civil Liberties Union he specialized in police accountability in his hometown, working on dozens of cases challenging unconstitutional actions by D.C. and federal agency police and winning both damages and changes in policy. He was part also of advocacy efforts with the numerous police agencies in D.C. and the D.C. Council in areas such as treatment of mass demonstrations in the Bush era, noninterference with citizen photography of buildings or videos of police, respectful treatment of Muslim women in jail lockups, transparency and oversight of new privacy-invasive technologies such as cell location tracking, automated license plate readers and cell-site simulators.
Chad Thevenot
Chad Thevenot is the executive director of the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS). He is an alumnus of IHS’s summer seminar program and was awarded a Humane Studies Fellowship from IHS in 2001 and 2002 while earning a master’s degree in Communications, Culture and Technology from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.