Two weeks ago, I turned 38. Days before my birthday, my wife Tara asked me how I wanted to celebrate. With a sigh of exasperation, I explained that birthdays were the last thing on my mind.
Months before I agreed to speak at University of Maryland, my alma mater, on my birthday. The day after, I was scheduled to speak at a Cato Institute panel on the topic of filming police. Then the morning after that, I was scheduled to appear on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal program – at 7:45 AM. (Gasp!)
But then my wonderful wife said to me, “Baby, here’s my birthday present: I’m going to stay out of your way this week to help you prepare.” She knows me so well, because that was the most perfect gift she could give!
Next to my wife, my profoundest pleasure comes from giving dignity and purpose to people who might otherwise feel powerless in the hands of police. But in the face of horrible, new police videos like this, this, and this – we’ve got to cut through a headwind of doubt and despair. After all, it takes time to cultivate trust.
Thank you for sharing Flex Your Rights’ positive message of knowledge and hope. And thank you for supporting the righteous struggle to advance liberty and justice for all!
Your Friend,